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Photo of Pillars Community Health staff members on set with ABC 7 Chicago


In our efforts to educate the community about a variety of social and health-related issues, we welcome interviews and are happy to provide story ideas for our media partners.

Helpful Resources

Media Fact Sheet

Media Contact:
Stefin Steberl, Director of Marketing



Follow Us on Social Media:

  • Pillars Community Health tweets with the latest news updates and press releases @pchcares.
  • Find us on Facebook here.

Recent Press Releases

Aging Well Partnership Launches in Lyons Township

October 14, 2016

Pillars is proud to be part of this partnership to increase the appeal of local businesses to older residents in Lyons Township.

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Buddy’s Place Celebrates 15th Anniversary

September 16, 2015

One of the longer-standing programs in the Chicago suburbs, Buddy’s Place is celebrating its 15-year anniversary in September 2015.

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Story Ideas and Style Notes

Pillars Community Health’s CEO and senior leadership staff are available for interviews.
Style Guide Notes:

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