Víctima de la violencia? Protégete en línea. Aprenda cómo ocultar su historial de navegación. × Salida rapida (ESC)
Victim of violence? Protect yourself online. Learn how to hide your browsing history. × Quick exit (ESC)

QUIZ: Could You Benefit from Behavioral Health Services?

Answer these questions to see if you could benefit from Behavioral Health services.

Have you been feeling anxious or worried about things in your life? Have you had trouble focusing, or trouble falling asleep? Click here to take the quiz to see if you could benefit from Behavioral Health services.

If you answered “true” to any of the questions in this quiz, you may benefit from speaking to someone at Pillars Community Health. Call us at 708-PILLARS (708-745-5277), or click here to learn more about our services. Help is available in your community, and you can feel better.

If you are in crisis, please call 911 or our 24-hour hotline at 708-745-5277 (press 1 for English/2 for Spanish, then 3 for Mental Health).


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