This November, as we mark Homelessness Awareness Month, we invite you to play a role in supporting our neighbors. Homelessness can happen to anyone regardless of their race, gender, or age. For each person or family affected, there are often multiple contributing factors: mental illness, substance use disorders, medical conditions, physical disabilities, histories of domestic and sexual violence, and more. It’s crucial for those experiencing homelessness to know they have options when it comes to their health and wellness.
A Partnership in Action
Pillars Community Health (PCH) has a long history of partnership with BEDS Plus, a local organization providing essential services for individuals experiencing homelessness. Our cooperative efforts in addressing the need of local individuals and families have included PCH nursing support at BEDS former overnight shelters, medical services on-site at BEDS long-term housing facility in La Grange, as well as medical and dental services at our Health Center facilities. Currently we provide on-site direct medical evaluations and treatment for all adults qualifying for medical respite services, and all individuals who are working with Beds Plus who desire access to medical care and services. Together with UCM Advent Health La Grange Family Medicine Residency Program our partnership combines each organization’s expertise to best assist individuals experiencing homelessness to create a whole-person system of care.
The Summit Service Center includes 18 medical respite beds, where PCH offers comprehensive medical, dental, behavioral health, and substance use counseling services. PCH providers are on-site eight hours weekly, ensuring effective coordination of care for every client. Additionally, the UCM Advent Health La Grange Family Medicine Residency Program provides outpatient care and inpatient management when shared clients are admitted for medical services and healing, this continuity extends the reach of care.
Our partnership has made it possible to fund a full-time nurse case manager who is on site at the medical respite location working with medical respite residents to manage their chronic medications, reduce hospital readmissions, and provide in person education on management of medical conditions. The nurse case manager maintains continued outreach with clients who have moved into housing and with those clients new to BEDS Plus services.
PCH recently was awarded multi-year support from the Cook County Office of Behavioral Health which will enable us to continue strengthening services to those experiencing homelessness by providing critically needed behavioral health screenings, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for adults connecting to our services through medical respite, BEDS Plus day programs and services, and recent immigrant families settling in our local communities.
Uninsured adults experiencing homelessness have access to the collaborative healthcare services available through The Community Healthcare Network, including access to local volunteer specialists, hospital services at UCM Advent Health and prescription medications through the PCH 340B program and/or prescription assistance from BEDS Plus. Patients have access to care through the Medicaid Managed Care program. Patients referred by shelters may also qualify for PCH’s free-care program, and BEDS Plus supports clients by providing case management, transportation, and some pharmacy cost support for accessing these health services.
Expanding Resources to Meet Critical Community Needs
In addition to these core services, our BEDS Plus partnership extends to include several other initiatives:
- Suburban Cook County COVID-19 Health Equity Initiative funded by the Cook County Department of Public Health to connect highly vulnerable individuals with access to healthcare.
- Housing is Recovery, funded by the IDHS Division of Mental Health, to provide bridge housing and mental health and substance use disorder services to chronically homeless with histories of hospitalization and incarceration for these conditions.
- Families in Transition, a transitional housing and rapid rehousing program for families impacted by domestic violence. In this HUD-funded program PCH provides therapy services to BEDS clients who identify as having a history of domestic or sexual violence.
- PCH has also been designated as a Cook County Coordinated Entry site, providing case management for local unhoused individuals and families with history of domestic violence as they navigate the process of connecting with local housing partners.
Even with these vital resources, individuals and families experiencing homelessness still need your support. By partnering with PCH and our collaborators you can give greater access to essential services and transform lives. Consider volunteering or donating to make an impact in our community and in someone’s life.