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Blog Article

Pillars Community Health Receives Community Project Funding Grant for Telehealth Support

julio 5, 2022

At Pillars Community Health we rely on a wide variety of funding sources to ensure that area residents can access “the care they need, when…

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How to Talk To Children About Tragic Events

mayo 25, 2022

by Michelle Halm, MA, M.Ed, PEL, CT, Director, Buddy’s Place In the wake of yet another mass shooting, many of us are experiencing a range…

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Pillars Community Health Receives CARF Accreditation Through 2024

enero 14, 2022

Accreditation is an indication of an organization’s dedication and commitment to improving the quality of the lives of the people it serves. Pillars Community Health’s Behavioral…

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Pillars Community Health Receives COVID-19 Renewal Grant

enero 12, 2022

We are honored to be one of 35 organizations in Illinois to receive funding through the COVID-19 Renewal Grant. The grant, funded by Delta Dental…

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Pillars Community Health Recieves Multi-Year Grant

octubre 13, 2021

Pillars Community Health is one of 20 organizations to receive multi-year funding for general operating support from the Healthy Communities Foundation. 

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How to Be an Ally for a Friend Experiencing Domestic Violence

octubre 8, 2021

It can be hard to see someone you love affected by domestic violence, and it’s natural to want to help in any way you can. Read this blog to learn how you can be a support system for people in your life and your community.

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Why the Word “Recovery” Should Be Celebrated

septiembre 20, 2021

Every September, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration promotes National Recovery Month as a way to celebrate people recovering from mental illness or substance use disorders. We applaud every person who is working to overcome something, regardless of their income level or their ethnicity or upbringing.

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[Podcast] Put Something on the Paper: Small Steps Toward Big Changes

septiembre 15, 2021

The word “recovery” comes with a lot of stigma and assumptions. But really, recovery means seeking, making, or completing a change. We can all identify…

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New Board Members Announced During 100-Year Anniversary

agosto 26, 2021

Pillars Community Health is 100 years old in 2021. In July 2021, the historic organization welcomed three new members to its volunteer Board of Directors.

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