Víctima de la violencia? Protégete en línea. Aprenda cómo ocultar su historial de navegación. × Salida rapida (ESC)
Victim of violence? Protect yourself online. Learn how to hide your browsing history. × Quick exit (ESC)

[Podcast] Put Something on the Paper: Small Steps Toward Big Changes

The word “recovery” comes with a lot of stigma and assumptions. But really, recovery means seeking, making, or completing a change. We can all identify with that. Learn how small steps such as identifying what you can do in the next 24 hours can help you journey forward toward the future you want to have….

The word “recovery” comes with a lot of stigma and assumptions. But really, recovery means seeking, making, or completing a change. We can all identify with that.

Learn how small steps such as identifying what you can do in the next 24 hours can help you journey forward toward the future you want to have. Download the podcast episode here. Or view the conversation as a video.

While you’re listening, follow along with this worksheet to determine what changes you can make toward your ideal future.

If you would like to speak with someone at Pillars Community Health about changes you’d like to make in your life, call us at 708-PILLARS (708-745-5277).

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