Víctima de la violencia? Protégete en línea. Aprenda cómo ocultar su historial de navegación. × Salida rapida (ESC)
Victim of violence? Protect yourself online. Learn how to hide your browsing history. × Quick exit (ESC)

From the Experts

Estamos trabajando para asegurar que todas las personas tengan igualdad de acceso al cuidado que necesitan, cuando lo necesitan. En ocasiones, el cuidado se proporciona ofreciendo información. El objetivo de este blog es ayudarte a encontrar consejos sobre la salud, respuestas a tus preguntas referentes a la salud mental, consejos para padres, nuestra perspectiva sobre temas sociales, y más.

Photo of a young man using a laptop

Mental Health and the Holidays

The holiday season has begun, and while it can bring feelings of excitement and joy, it can also bring anxiety, stress, and emotional challenges.

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Homelessness Awareness Month

For individuals and families experiencing homelessness every day is filled with challenges, and circumstances can change at any moment.

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Children’s Grief Awareness Month: Educate & Support

November marks Children’s Grief Awareness Month (CGAW), a dedicated time to shed a light on the profound grief children face after experiencing the death of a significant person in their lives.

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Bags and Bubbles: A Heartfelt Gathering for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

In October, our community came together for a meaningful event in support of survivors of domestic violence. Bags and Bubbles: Raising Awareness and Support for Pillars Community Health, hosted in partnership with The Hope Chest, offered a special moment to stand together in solidarity.

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DVAM 2024: Heal, Hold, & Center

October marks National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), a time to come together as a community to raise awareness, honor survivors, and support those impacted by domestic violence.

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Celebrating a New Milestone: The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the New Integrated Health Center at 321 North LaGrange Road

On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, Pillars Community Health celebrated the ribbon cutting for our new integrated health center at 321 North LaGrange Road.

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Fall, Friends, and Philanthropy: Celebrating Community and Support at Pillars Community Health

At Pillars Community Health (PCH), we know that our strength lies in the heart of our community. Each year, we take time to show our gratitude to the supporters who empower us to fulfill our mission.

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Pillars Community Health Opens New Integrated Health Center at 321 N. La Grange Road

Pillars Community Health is excited to announce the official opening of its new state-of-the-art integrated health center at 321 N. La Grange Road in La Grange Park, Illinois.

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Celebrating National Health Center Week 2024: Empowering Communities Through Caring Connections

Every August, the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) sponsors National Health Center Week (NHCW) to celebrate and increase awareness of America’s 1,400 Community Health Centers.

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Mantente en Contacto con Nuestra Comunidad

We welcome the opportunity to keep you up to date on the merger of Community Health Center & Pillars, PCH news & opportunities. To receive email notifications, sign up below.

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