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Vacuna Contra y Pruebas para Detectar COVID-19

Pillars Community Health está administrando la vacuna de Moderna en asociación con los condados asociados, y está siguiendo las directrices establecidas por el plan de vacunación del Estado de Illinois. Sigue las instrucciones a continuación para acceder nuestro sitio de internet para programar citas.

COVID-19 Vaccination

All Illinois residents ages 6 months and older are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. To schedule an appointment, call 708-PILLARS (708-745-5277). We will continue to prioritize access for Pillars Community Health patients and clients.

The Health Center will call you when an appointment is available for your second dose. The information from Moderna is that you can have it anytime after 28-42 days after the first dose; for Pfizer, you can have it anytime 21-42 days after the first dose.

Vaccines for Children and Teens: Children across the country are continuing to test positive for COVID-19. While most will have minor symptoms, some children are getting seriously ill and suffering long-term effects, particularly those with underlying conditions such as obesity or asthma. Some children infected with COVID-19 may not get sick right away but a few weeks later may come down with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome of Children (MIS-C). They develop fever, rashes, red eyes, diarrhea, and vomiting. The inflammation can affect the heart, blood vessels and other organs. Even if they don’t become ill, they can spread COVID-19 to others who may be immunocompromised. We strongly urge vaccination of individuals ages 6 months and older.

Tarjeta de Vacunas: El Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois recientemente lanzó, Vax Verify, un portal que permite a los residentes de Illinois mayores de 18 años acceder a y revisar su expediente de vacuna COVID-19. Visiste https://idphportal.illinois.gov.

Boosters: Booster doses are common for many vaccines. Scientists and medical experts are continuing to research waning immunity and how well the vaccines protect against mutations of the virus.

The CDC now recommends that everyone 5 years old and up receives a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 5 months after their second dose. All adults 18 and older who received the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine are also eligible to receive a second dose.

The CDC has authorized the Pfizer COVID-19 booster vaccine for teenagers ages 12 - 17.

The following information applies to boosters for children ages 5–11 years, teens ages 12–17 years, and adults ages 18 years and older. Children under the age of 5 years are not recommended to receive a booster at this time.

People ages 5 years and older

People ages 5 years and older may only get the updated (bivalent) booster. They can no longer get an original (monovalent) Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna booster.

  • Children and Teens ages 5-17 years may only get the updated (bivalent) Pfizer-BioNTech booster even if they completed the primary series with a different product.
  • Adults ages 18 years and older may get a different product for their updated (bivalent) booster than they got for their primary series. They can get either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna updated (bivalent) booster.

Pruebas para Detectar COVID-19

Pillars Community Health ofrece pruebas y servicios para COVID-19. Contamos con un número limitado de pruebas, en 110 Calendar Ave., La Grange, IL 60525. A partir del 14 de septiembre 2021, solo estaremos haciendo pruebas de COVID-19 para pacientes establecidos. No hay costo para las pruebas de COVID-19 para nuestros pacientes establecidos que no tienen seguro o quien tienen seguro que incluye a Pillars Community Health en su red. Si recibe una factura, comuníquese con nosotros de inmediato para que podamos apelar o cancelar el cargo.

ES NECESARIO HACER UNA CITA. Llama al 708-PILLARS (708-745-5277) y sigue las instrucciones; te regresaremos la llamada en el plazo de un día hábil. Por la seguridad de nuestro personal y otros pacientes, por favor NO te presentes a nuestro Centro de Salud en La Grange si requieres una prueba para detectar COVID-19 o servicios relacionados; no podemos aceptar a personas sin citas.


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