Víctima de la violencia? Protégete en línea. Aprenda cómo ocultar su historial de navegación. × Salida rapida (ESC)
Victim of violence? Protect yourself online. Learn how to hide your browsing history. × Quick exit (ESC)
Photo of Pillars Community Health staff members on set with ABC 7 Chicago

Sala de Prensa

Como parte de nuestro esfuerzo para educar a la comunidad sobre diversos temas sociales y de salud, estamos abiertos a entrevistas y con gusto proporcionamos ideas sobre reportajes y artículos para nuestros colegas en los medios de comunicación.

Recursos Útiles

Hoja de datos para los medios de comunicación

Contacto para los medios de comunicación:
Stefin Steberl, Director of Marketing



Síguenos en los Medios Sociales:

  • Los “tweets” con las noticias y los comunicados de prensa más recientes de Pillars Community @pchcares.
  • Encuéntranos en Facebook aquí.

Recursos Útiles

Early Childhood Education Services Closing June 2020

octubre 7, 2019

Pillars Community Health has made the decision to end Early Childhood Education services when our Head Start grant ends on June 30, 2020.

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On the Sale of Recreational Marijuana

septiembre 20, 2019

Pillars Community Health is concerned about the potential adverse impacts of the Illinois recreational cannabis law.

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Community Health Center Receives Quality Award for 6th Year

septiembre 11, 2019

For the 6th consecutive year, we are a Health Center Quality Leader. Among our programming at Pillars Community Health is a Federally Qualified Health Center that provides medical, dental, and behavioral health, and related services.

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Domestic Violence Shelter Celebrates 40th Anniversary

septiembre 10, 2019

Pillars Community Health is marking the 40th anniversary of its domestic violence shelter, Constance Morris House, with a celebration during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

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Six Area Residents Join Pillars Community Health Board of Directors

septiembre 3, 2019

The volunteer board members will help promote and advise the nonprofit organization.

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Our New Family Health Center in Willowbrook

febrero 26, 2019

Pillars Community Health is opening a new Family Health Center, offering affordable medical and dental services onsite at Anne M. Jeans Elementary School in Willowbrook (Burr Ridge School District).

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Ideas para Reportajes y Guía de Uso y Estilo

El CEO de Pillars Community Health y la alta dirección están disponibles para entrevistas.
Notas sobre el uso de palabras

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