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Photo of a young man in therapy

Substance Use Disorder Services

Substance use disorders are illnesses that affect the whole family and all aspects of an individual’s life. Our goal is to provide effective substance abuse treatment that allows clients to remain in their homes and communities while improving their quality of life.

Our Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Si tu:

  • Estás experimentando con las drogas o alcohol, o tienes un trastorno de abuso de sustancias
  • Vida se ha visto impactada por el abuso de sustancias de un ser querido
  • Estás preocupado por que tu adolescente está experimentando o está expuesto a las drogas o alcohol

Photo of a couple in therapy smiling at each other

No estás solo o sola, y no tienes que manejar está situación solo(a).

Since 1975, Pillars Community Health has provided substance abuse treatment to individuals and families in the Chicago suburbs. Our highly qualified staff are ready to offer counseling and tailored treatment plans, and support you and your family through the journey to recovery and sobriety. All services are evidence-based and outpatient. If you need a higher level of care such as inpatient rehab, we can refer you for treatment.

Llama al

para obtener una evaluación el mismo día y para aprender más acerca de nuestros servicios. Haz clic aquí para obtener información sobre métodos de pago y seguros.

Evaluaciones el Mismo Día, Acceso a Cuidado

Photo of a young man explaining his situation to a doctor

Pillars Community Health offers same-day assessments for substance abuse treatment. Walk out the same day with an understanding of what services you need and a recommended treatment plan. For parents concerned about their children, we provide guidance on how to prevent substance abuse and how to access treatment for adolescents

Many of our clients benefit from outpatient substance abuse treatment, allowing them to return to their homes after each appointment. We offer these services at our locations in Hickory Hills and Berwyn, ensuring accessible care for people ages 12 and older in both English and Spanish.

Servicios de DUI (Conducir Bajo la Influencia)

For those who have been involved in a drunk driving incident or DWI/DUI arrest, we provide DUI evaluations and updates, Secretary of State DUI evaluations and updates, DUI classes/DUI risk education, and comprehensive treatment services.

Early Intervention and/or Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

Si la evaluación indica una necesidad de tratamiento, ofrecemos terapia ambulatoria y buscamos empoderar a las personas a mantenerse sobrias y continuar participando en su comunidad. Es posible que el tratamiento incluya terapia individual y/o de grupo, educación y apoyo, y cuidado secundario para aquellos clientes que hayan completado su tratamiento primario. Si se requiere un nivel de cuidado más elevado, como es el caso de rehabilitación en un hospital, Pillars Community Health puede referir a sus clientes a otros profesionales.

Servicios a la Medida para Problemas más Complejos

Substance Use can present alongside other factors such as pregnancy, domestic violence, mental illness, and socioeconomic issues. At Pillars Community Health, we tailor the treatment plan for people who have additional risk factors that may need to be addressed.

Si se determina que se requiere un nivel de cuidado mayor, como una hospitalización (desintoxicación) o tratamiento residencial (rehabilitación), nuestro personal puede referirte al lugar indicado. Tenemos una reputación muy bien establecida desde 1975, por lo tanto tenemos conexiones y asociaciones en los suburbios del oeste y suroeste de Chicago. Si es que se recomienda una hospitalización, Pillars Community Health puede apoyar la transición de regreso a la comunidad/hogar, posterior a la alta del hospital.

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