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From the Experts

Estamos trabajando para asegurar que todas las personas tengan igualdad de acceso al cuidado que necesitan, cuando lo necesitan. En ocasiones, el cuidado se proporciona ofreciendo información. El objetivo de este blog es ayudarte a encontrar consejos sobre la salud, respuestas a tus preguntas referentes a la salud mental, consejos para padres, nuestra perspectiva sobre temas sociales, y más.

Photo of a young man using a laptop

FAQs About Opioid Abuse and Opioid Treatment

What is opioid abuse? Opioids include illegal drugs such as heroin as well as prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone, codeine, morphine, etc.

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5 Myths About Your Teen and Substance Abuse

Substances are readily available to our children, whether it’s liquor at a family reunion or prescription pills left over from an injury.

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A Few Hours a Week to Support Kids and Teens With Mental Illness

In 1994, Pillars Community Health launched a program to provide additional support to children and adolescents living with mental illness.

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Volunteer-Driven Sexual Assault Hotline Bolsters the Community

Pillars’ sexual assault hotline is free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day. Its purpose is to provide crisis intervention to survivors of sexual assault, incest, rape, and sex trafficking.

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Employment Program Helps Clients Find Jobs Locally

To empower our community around this issue, we offer Individual Placement & Support (IPS) Employment Services to adult clients with a diagnosis of severe mental illness who are unemployed or underemployed.

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Training the Next Generation of Clinicians

Pillars’ Student Training Services provide quality training in psychotherapy onsite, which gives interns exposure to work in a community mental health setting and helps us provide quality services to clients.

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Suicide Prevention in the Chicago Suburbs

Each year in September, the nation recognizes Suicide Prevention Week. At Pillars Community Health, we understand that suicide isn’t typically the cause of death, it’s the means.

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3 Questions With Pillars Community Health’s Crisis/SASS Team

Leah Mizell, LCSW, director of Pillars’ Crisis/SASS program, answers questions about what makes this program so vital—and special.

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