Víctima de la violencia? Protégete en línea. Aprenda cómo ocultar su historial de navegación. × Salida rapida (ESC)
Victim of violence? Protect yourself online. Learn how to hide your browsing history. × Quick exit (ESC)

From the Experts

Estamos trabajando para asegurar que todas las personas tengan igualdad de acceso al cuidado que necesitan, cuando lo necesitan. En ocasiones, el cuidado se proporciona ofreciendo información. El objetivo de este blog es ayudarte a encontrar consejos sobre la salud, respuestas a tus preguntas referentes a la salud mental, consejos para padres, nuestra perspectiva sobre temas sociales, y más.

Photo of a young man using a laptop

Watch this Video on Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention

Our Sexual Assault staff made a training video on identifying and responding to childhood sexual abuse as a part of our efforts to provide prevention education to local schools.

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Digital Abuse: A Discussion about Teen Dating Violence

Dating violence can be more than just physical; your partner doesn’t have to physically hurt you to be abusive. Read this blog post to learn more about digital abuse and how to get help.

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VIDEO: 10 Ways to Cope This Holiday Season

Watch this video to learn some tips on coping with feelings of loneliness this season.

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3 Things You Need to Know About Therapy

By creating a safe space and earning your trust, your therapist can help you identify, discuss, and work through whatever life stressors or experiences are keeping you from feeling your best.

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Double Whammy: Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

Mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders common co-occur with substance use disorders—and the co-occurrence is more common than you might think.

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VIDEO: Is Your Teen Using Drugs or Alcohol?

Watch this short 2-minute video to find out how you can spot the signs of substance use among teens and adolescents.

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Let’s Erase the Word “Crazy”

Find out why it’s important to be careful when we talk about words relating to mental illness, as those words could either help or hinder someone from reaching out for help.

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5 Family Activities to Reduce Children’s Stress

Parents can create calm, safe spaces for children to express their feelings by incorporating mindfulness activities into daily life.

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VIDEO: Depression Is a Medical Issue

Watch this brief video to find out how your physical health issues can create mental health issues, and vice versa.

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