Víctima de la violencia? Protégete en línea. Aprenda cómo ocultar su historial de navegación. × Salida rapida (ESC)
Victim of violence? Protect yourself online. Learn how to hide your browsing history. × Quick exit (ESC)

From the Experts

Estamos trabajando para asegurar que todas las personas tengan igualdad de acceso al cuidado que necesitan, cuando lo necesitan. En ocasiones, el cuidado se proporciona ofreciendo información. El objetivo de este blog es ayudarte a encontrar consejos sobre la salud, respuestas a tus preguntas referentes a la salud mental, consejos para padres, nuestra perspectiva sobre temas sociales, y más.

Photo of a young man using a laptop

A Winter Care Kit

As we move into the New Year, we would like to provide you with some of the tools you’ll need to stay happy and healthy…

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month was established in 1987 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and designated by the U.S. Congress in 1989. Since…

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Let’s Taco-bout Pillars Community Health Event Held September 15th.

On September 15, a small group of Pillars Community Health’s staff, board members, supporters, and community partners gathered for Let’s Taco-Bout PCH, a community event…

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How to Talk To Children About Tragic Events

by Michelle Halm, MA, M.Ed, PEL, CT, Director, Buddy’s Place In the wake of yet another mass shooting, many of us are experiencing a range…

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How to Be an Ally for a Friend Experiencing Domestic Violence

It can be hard to see someone you love affected by domestic violence, and it’s natural to want to help in any way you can. Read this blog to learn how you can be a support system for people in your life and your community.

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Why the Word “Recovery” Should Be Celebrated

Every September, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration promotes National Recovery Month as a way to celebrate people recovering from mental illness or substance use disorders. We applaud every person who is working to overcome something, regardless of their income level or their ethnicity or upbringing.

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[Podcast] Put Something on the Paper: Small Steps Toward Big Changes

The word “recovery” comes with a lot of stigma and assumptions. But really, recovery means seeking, making, or completing a change. We can all identify…

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Pregnant Without Insurance? We Can Help.

If you are pregnant (or think you might be pregnant) and do not have insurance, you can still receive care. Our Benefits and Enrollment team can help you figure out what options are available to you, and help you enroll in coverage if you need it.

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Diabetes en La Población Latinx

En este video, la Enfermera Abigail Contreras y la Dentista Berenice Lopez de Pillars Community Health hablan acerca de los síntomas y efectos de la diabetes en su salud física y salud oral, incluyendo las implicaciones para la población Latinx.

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We welcome the opportunity to keep you up to date on the merger of Community Health Center & Pillars, PCH news & opportunities. To receive email notifications, sign up below.

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