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National Health Center Week 2023: Delivering Care and Building Resilient Communities

Happy National Health Center Week! This week, we take pride in celebrating Pillars Community Health, one of Illinois’ esteemed community health centers, serving neighbors across the state. On a national level, these centers collectively serve more than 30 million people, delivering essential care to those who suffer disproportionately from chronic diseases and lack access to…

Happy National Health Center Week! This week, we take pride in celebrating Pillars Community Health, one of Illinois’ esteemed community health centers, serving neighbors across the state. On a national level, these centers collectively serve more than 30 million people, delivering essential care to those who suffer disproportionately from chronic diseases and lack access to affordable, quality whole-person healthcare.

Pillars Community Health, its community partners, and its fellow health centers play a vital role in the nation’s primary care system, acting as the backbone that helps lower healthcare costs, reduce rates of chronic diseases, and stimulate local economies. The commitment to community-based and local healthcare has significantly improved the well-being of the communities they serve.

Let’s take this opportunity to spread the word about the essential role community health centers play in fostering healthier communities and making quality healthcare accessible to everyone. As we celebrate Pillars Community Health, let’s also remember the millions of individuals whose lives have been positively impacted by community health centers across the country. Together, we can build a healthier and stronger nation for all. Happy National Health Center Week!

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