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VIDEOS: Community Coping Clips

Access this short video series for tips on managing anxiety, domestic violence, and other issues amid coronavirus.

Experiencing information overload? With so many organizations and media offering tips and news about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it can feel like a lot. It’s important to stay informed about how the virus may impact you locally and what services are available to you—but it’s also important to take breaks to reduce any anxiety you may be experiencing amid so much uncertainty.

As your local community provider, our professionals in Behavioral Health and Social Services are here to offer guidance, without adding too much to the noise. We are releasing short clips in English and Spanish to help you address mental health, substance use, domestic violence, and other issues within your own household and community amid the coronavirus outbreak (stay tuned to this page for more videos as we add them). These videos are hosted by Anna Padron Sikora, MSW, who has worked at Pillars Community Health for 20 years, mostly in Mental Health and is now the vice president of community engagement. Anna received her Masters in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago and is a resident of Riverside.

· How to address anxiety during shelter in place

·Kids anxious about coronavirus? How you can help

· How to stay safe from domestic violence amid coronavirus

· How to support substance use recovery amid coronavirus

· Unexpected loss: A different kind of grief amid coronavirus

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