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Articles categorized as:

Press Release

New Board Members Announced During 100-Year Anniversary

agosto 26, 2021

Pillars Community Health is 100 years old in 2021. In July 2021, the historic organization welcomed three new members to its volunteer Board of Directors.

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Pregnant Without Insurance? We Can Help.

agosto 9, 2021

If you are pregnant (or think you might be pregnant) and do not have insurance, you can still receive care. Our Benefits and Enrollment team can help you figure out what options are available to you, and help you enroll in coverage if you need it.

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Diabetes en La Población Latinx

agosto 9, 2021

En este video, la Enfermera Abigail Contreras y la Dentista Berenice Lopez de Pillars Community Health hablan acerca de los síntomas y efectos de la diabetes en su salud física y salud oral, incluyendo las implicaciones para la población Latinx.

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QUIZ: Are You at Risk for Diabetes?

agosto 6, 2021

Answer these questions to see if you are at risk for diabetes.

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Western Springs Site Closing

junio 15, 2021

Pillars Community Health has sold the building at 1023 Burlington Avenue in Western Springs. As a result of this sale, we will be moving out by July 2021.

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Salud Mental 101 para la Comunidad Latinx

mayo 18, 2021

La salud mental no solo se refiere a enfermedades mentales. Una de cuatro personas americanas tiene una enfermedad mental diagnosticable como depresión, ansiedad o trastorno de estrés postraumático.

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Cómo Practicar la Meditación de Mindfulness

mayo 18, 2021

La meditación puede ser una gran herramienta para lidiar con la ansiedad, el estrés o el sentirse abrumado(a).

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Resources for Grieving Families

mayo 17, 2021

There are many great resources that can help if you or someone you love is working through grief. Here’s a list of resources we recommend.

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QUIZ: Could You Benefit from Behavioral Health Services?

mayo 12, 2021

Answer these questions to see if you could benefit from Behavioral Health services.

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